Medical Health
Our medical health programs help everyone in the community gain access to healthcare-related services and education. Through our MNsure Navigators who are trained and trusted members of the community, you can receive help completing an application to enroll in a health care coverage plan based on your income and your medical health care needs.
CPC 2.0’s navigators specialize in Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollment. They can help you enroll in a private insurance plan and provide basic insurance education, but they cannot give you advice about picking an insurance plan.
CPC 2.0 offers CDCS services (Consumer Directed Community Support). CDCS is a service option available to people on the home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers and Alternative Care (AC) program. CDCS gives a person flexibility in service planning and responsibility for self-directing his or her services, including hiring and managing support workers.
CPC 2.0 case management and care coordination services for people living with physical disabilities or cognitive impairments or dealing with a plethora of health care concerns such as obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease ( heart disease), diabetes, infant mortality, reproductive health, sexual health and any other medical health-related issue that disproportionately impacts black communities and other communities of color.
Because our professionals understand the impacts race and poverty have on a community CPC 2.0 is diligent in ensuring our community receives health equality/health equity and culturally specific training, education and advocacy to support the overall health and wellness of the entire community.
Black communities and other communities of color have the highest rates of infection when it comes to HIV, STD’s and other diseases which disproportionately infect communities of color.
How many adults in Minnesota have diabetes?
- 2017, 7.8% of Minnesota adults (about 330,000)1 had been diagnosed with diabetes (type 1 or 2).1
- Around 18,000 new cases are diagnosed in Minnesota each year (2010).
- Around 1 in 10 people with diabetes do not know that they have the disease.2
For information about diabetes in the U.S., please read the National Diabetes Statistics Report 2017.
Are there disparities in diabetes rates in Minnesota?
Disparities happen when the health of a group of people are negatively affected by factors like how much money they earn, their race or ethnicity, or where they live. In Minnesota, we currently collect data specific to two of these factors.
- Education: In 2017, about 5.2 percent1* of adults who have a college degree report having diabetes compared with 8.9 percent1* of adults who do not.
- Income: Health survey data from 2013 through 2017 show that self-reported diabetes rates are higher for people living in households that earn lower incomes.1*
*Percentages are unadjusted for other factors
How is Minnesota monitoring diabetes management?
Healthcare providers measure five diabetes goals to monitor how well a patient’s diabetes is controlled. These goals are influenced by a number of different factors: individual factors, community-level factors, and healthcare-related factors. This information is reported as the Optimal Diabetes Care measure. Overall in Minnesota, 45 percent of adults met all five diabetes goals.3
There are disparities in the percentage of people who meet all five diabetes goals. We show some of the disparities observed in 2016 below:
- Race: 24 percent of American Indian or Alaska Native meet the Optimal Diabetes Care measure as compared to 48 percent of Asian adults.3
- Ethnicity: 36 percent of Hispanic or Latino adults meet the Optimal Diabetes Care measure as compared to 45 percent of non-Hispanic adults.3
- Language: 34 percent of adults who prefer to speak Hmong meet the Optimal Diabetes Care measure as compared to 57 percent of adults who prefer to speak Vietnamese.3
- Insurance type: 33 percent of adults receiving health insurance through State of Minnesota programs such as Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare meet the Optimal Diabetes Care measure as compared to 48 percent of all other adults in Minnesota.4
Heart Disease:
Heart Disease in Minnesota
How common is heart disease in Minnesota?
- In 2017, 3.6% of adults in Minnesota reported ever having had a heart attack in their lifetime – over 150,000 people.1
- Almost 19% of all deaths in Minnesota are due to heart disease (8,230 deaths in 2017), making it the 2nd-leading cause of death in the state behind cancer.2
- In 2016, Minnesotans experienced more than 45,000 acute heart disease hospitalizations.3
- Every year from 2000 through 2017, Minnesota had the lowest overall heart disease mortality rate in the United States.4
Are there disparities in heart disease rates in Minnesota?
- From 2013-2017, the heart disease death rate was 48% higher in American Indians compared to whites in Minnesota. This disparity is greatest for middle-aged adults. American Indian adults aged 35-54 die from heart disease at almost four times the rate of whites of the same age.
- African-American adults aged 35-64 die from heart disease at approximately two times the rate of whites of the same age in Minnesota.
- Although stroke death rates are significantly higher in African Americans than whites in Minnesota, the difference between these groups in overall heart disease death rates is relatively small. This is very unusual, compared to significant disparities seen in heart disease between African Americans and whites across the nation. One reason for this may be because Minnesota has a large population of foreign-born African Americans, who have a lower rate of heart disease death due to heart disease than U.S.-born African Americans.
- The lowest heart disease death rates in Minnesota are in Asians and Hispanics, with death rates 43% and 52% lower than whites, respectively.2
The prevalence of high blood pressure in African-Americans is the highest in the world. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, and it can cause permanent damage to the heart before you even notice any symptoms, that’s why it is often referred to as the “silent killer.” Not only is HBP more severe in blacks than whites, but it also develops earlier in life.
Research suggests African-Americans may carry a gene that makes them more salt sensitive, increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Your healthcare provider can help you find the right medication, and lifestyle changes can also have a big impact.
- Black Americans are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke than White Americans.
- Black women (49%) and Black men (44%) have higher rates of heart disease than White men (37%) and White women (32%).
- Between the ages of 45 and 64, Black men have a 70% higher risk and Black women have a 50% greater risk of developing heart failure than White men and women.
- The earlier onset of heart failure means higher rates of hospitalization, earlier disability, and higher rates of premature death (death before the age of 65) for Black Americans.2
- The annual rate of first heart attacks and first strokes is higher for Black Americans than White Americans.
Fast Facts: Black Americans & Risk Factors
- The prevalence of high blood pressure (hypertension)in Black Americans is among the highest in the world, and it is increasing. Rates are particularly high for Black women.
- In addition, Blacks develop high blood pressure earlier in life and their average blood pressure numbers are much higher than Whites. As a result, Blacks have a 1.3-times greater rate of nonfatal stroke, a 1.8-times greater rate of fatal stroke, a 1.5-times greater rate of death attributable to heart disease than Whites.
- Black Americans are 77% more likely than White Americans to be diagnosed with diabetes.
- Black and Hispanic adults are more likely to be inactive 4% and 39.8%, respectively) than White adults (26.2%).
- Black (80%) and Mexican-American (78%) women are more likely to be overweight or obese than White women (60%).
About 189,910 new cancer cases were expected to be diagnosed among blacks in 2016. The most commonly diagnosed cancers among black men are prostate (31% of all cancers), lung (15%), and colon and rectum (9%). Among black women, the most common cancers are breast (32% of all cancers), lung (11%), and colon and rectum (9%).
African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial and ethnic group in the US for most cancers. A continuous reduction in cancer death rates in blacks since the early 1990’s has resulted in more than 300,000 cancer deaths averted over the past two decades. Death rates have dropped faster during the most recent time period in blacks than in whites for all cancers combined and for lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer (in women only). As a result, racial disparities for these cancers have narrowed. In contrast, the racial disparity has widened for breast cancer in women and remained constant for colorectal cancer in men, likely due to inequalities in access to care, including screening and treatment.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among African American women. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death among African American women, exceeded only by lung cancer In 2011, an estimated 26,840 new cases of breast cancer and 6,040 deaths were expected to occur among African American women.
Breast cancer incidence in African American women is lower than in white women overall. However, for women younger than 40, incidence is higher among African American women than white women.
Breast cancer mortality (death) is 41 percent higher in African American women than in white women. Although breast cancer survival in African American women has increased in recent decades, survival rates remain lower than among white women. For those diagnosed from 2002 to 2008, the five-year relative survival rate for breast cancer among African American women was 78 percent compared to 92 percent among white women.
HIV cases remained stable with 275 cases reported in 2019, compared to 286 cases in 2018. This is below the 5-year average of 296 cases per year from 2015-2019.
HIV cases remained stable with 275 cases reported in 2019, compared to 286 cases in 2018. This is below the 5-year average of 296 cases per year from 2015-2019.
- Males account for 72% of all new HIV cases during 2019.
- Male-to-male sex remains the main risk factor for males of all ages.
- Over half (61%) of new HIV cases are among communities of color.