Are you interested in building capacity in your organization or your community? Does your organization or community need a grant developer/grant writer to create a new program or continue a project? Is your organization or your community in need of training? Do you want to create new and innovative ways of doing things/thinking, tired of the same ol’ status quo? Want to hire competent people, people with skills, people who are creative, people who can help you take your organization to the next level? Want to create safe spaces in your community filled with positive energy and opportunity? Does your organization /community want to live its best life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then our consultant is ready to help support you “make it happen.”
We can help you…
- Hire New Staff
- Rebrand your organization or community effort
- Urban Planning & Development
- Create Quality Assurance Measures
- Perform a Feasibility Study
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Social Media Campaigns
- Outreach
- Financial Consulting
- Cultural Competency Training
- Holistic Health
- Special Interest Matters
- Grant Development
- Grant Writing
- Capacity Building
- Project Management
- Crisis Intervention and Prevention
- Problem Solving
- Creating Investment Groups
- Community Networking/ Community Connections
- Think Tank(s)
- Work Group(s)
Call 612-483-0199 For More Information