Financial Health
The financial health of the community is the circumference of a community’s ability to thrive. Having access to financial capital is a determining factor when it comes to building wealth and wealth accumulation. A family’s wealth is determined by employment, their ability to invest, homeownership, their ability to save and inheritances or bequests handed down to them by their ancestors or elders.
CPC 2.0 understands the impacts of race and poverty when it comes to wealth accumulation and how these factors have historically impacted the black community’s ability to build wealth.
The goal of our financial health program is to refer, teach, train, educate and provide access to opportunities in the following wealth accumulation areas:
- Home ownership
- Life insurance
- Trusts
- College Savings
- Stocks & Bonds
- Endowments
- Banking
- Money Markets
- Savings and Retirement
- Credit (credit score and how to use your credit)
- Scholarships
- Grants
- Investments and Investment Groups
- Savings and Loans
- Real Estate (Rental, Real estate, real estate investment)
Build Wealth Minnesota, INC.
Black Women’s Wealth Alliance
African Development Center
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Office of The Minnesota Secretary of State
African Economic Development Solutions
U.S. Small Business Administration
Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers